Travel Customer

Find mechanic shops and oil changes.

All bikes 150cc and below need oil changes every 1000km. All bikes above 150cc do not need oil changes on a journey. 1. Type "honda head" + "your current location" into googlemaps to find a Honda Head store. 2. Honda head are big red buildings with "professional" looking mechanics in white uniforms. 3. Ask the mechanic to tighten the chain with the oil change. (point / kick the chain so they understand. 4. Ask for lubrication on the train. How much is an oil change? 1. Oil changes are ar...

Changing return date/location

Early returns will be charged a minimum fee of 5 days with cancellations. Five days notice must be given before the new return date. Extensions are possible with at least one week of notice.

How to use a train

Detailed article on trains. ( Detailed article on Train in the North to Lao Cai. ( General information 1. Nha Trang to Danang and Dong Hoi to Hanoi are the two most commonly used trains for tourists. 2. Both trains go over night and save roughly 2 days of driving. 3. It is NOT possible to book the bikes in advance for trains. 4....

My rack snapped

1. Find any mechanic shop or welding shop. "sua xe" "tiem han" 2. Ask them to weld the rack ("han").. 3. Check the condition of the weld, and assume responsibility and common sense on the condition of the rack. 4.Check carefully the 4 screws under the seat of the bike (Blade / Winner / Exciter) 5. If condition is questionable, call Tigit for support so we can further inquire with the mechanic. Notes 1. Givi racks have a technical specification of 7KG. Please put the bag on the seat to tr...